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I will do it myself for you : Acte de vente

Do you want to better understand how to use Phrasily? Please scroll down and look below.
BE CLEAR AND PRECISE IN YOUR REQUEST: briefly state what you want, exactly like a book title that summarizes, with as much information as possible to achieve a good result, especially if it is a big request. If necessary, also briefly state what you do not want. You do not need to say in the first person like "I want...", "I would like..." or "It must be..." but it is possible if you prefer.
IF YOU NEED TO COPY/PASTE A TEXT, NO NEED TO ASK: you don't have anything to say, but simply to put your text if it is already done or has already been done in the past, we will already understand what we have to do to offer you a better version. If necessary, you can still make a request and say what you want, such as "identify the mistakes" or "explain this text to me" and put the text below.
DOUBLE CHECK IF NECESSARY: be sure to reread your request one last time if it is complex, so you won't have to redo it because some details were missing and also because there is a word limit of 1000, for example.
DO NOT MAKE ANY MISTAKE THAT AFFECTS COMPREHENSION: if words are misplaced, replaced by other words, or inverted, for example, you may risk being misunderstood in your request. Typographical errors typically do not affect comprehension.
iLY-29 (PHRASILY) IS A REAL GENIUS AT YOUR SERVICE: our system understands text better than a human being, and it is lightning fast! iLY-29 (Phrasily) knows almost everything at about 99.2%, which is a record. Its result only takes approximately 10 to 60 seconds to arrive and is often spectacular. Your requests elsewhere have never been done so perfectly and quickly. It's magical.
TRY AND USE ALL OUR SERVICES: as you can see in our section, there is a list of many different things for writing where you can ask for even more. So, why limit yourself to using just one page? Whether it's personal, for school, or work, you have all your texts in one place with Phrasily, so make it a habit to use it daily
LIMITS TO OUR SYSTEM: in rare cases, iLY-29 (Phrasily) may refuse inappropriate requests and may sometimes generate inaccurate information, harmful instructions, or biased content. It may not have enough knowledge about things or events that are recent, from this year or the next, for example.
INFREQUENT "BUGS": in very exceptional circumstances, breakdowns in our internet servers may occur, just like any software, and Phrasily will not work or at least, will be slow. If this exceptional situation arises, please wait by refreshing or come back later, within a maximum of 48 hours, and our internet servers should recover. Please report any incidents to us at the top.

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